Classical Indian music and beatbox » Parveen & Ilyas Khan » Saturday 20th July – 6:30 pm

Parveen Sabrina Khan and Ilyas Raphaël Khan. Photo Erik Legret

Parveen Sabrina Khan. indian traditional song
Ilyas Raphaël Khan. tablas and beatbox

Viavox Production

Parveen Sabrina Khan and Ilyas Raphaël Khan, Franco-Indian artists, worthy heirs of a long musical lineage from Rajasthan since 7 generations, are the children of the famous percussionist Hameed Khan Kawa (Musafir, Jaipur Kawa Brass Band, Kawa Circus). They grew up in India, where they were taught the full range of North Indian classical music.
Indian classical music has been passed on from a very young age for over 3000 years according to the ancestral principles of oral transmission: the taleem.

Parveen Sabrina Khan, an eminent voice of the new generation, performs râgas, the melodic framework used in Indian classical music, as well as maands, traditional folk songs from Rajasthan which are in danger of disappearing and of which she is one of the only guardians today. With her deep voice, Parveen expresses with virtuosity the poetry of this sophisticated music, where the lyrical text, often short, leaves a lot of room for improvisation, both melodically and rhythmically.
Ilyas Raphaël Khan accompanies and supports these improvisations with his mastery of the tablas, the Indian percussion instrument par excellence.

In their journey and beyond their regular performances of the Indian classical repertoire, this brotherhood has known how to innovate following the example of their father. Parveen was awarded the “Musiques d’ici” prize in 2018 at the Festival des villes et des mondes in Seine-Saint-Denis with his group Nirmâan.
Ilyas is also a talented beatboxer and combines his beatboxing with the classical Indian rhythms of the bowls, mnemonic syllables and part of the tabla technique. Contemporary beatboxing and tablas is tablaboxing.

Parveen Sabrina Khan and Ilyas Raphaël Khan, with the strength of their two cultures, transport the audience into a world of varied and innovative sounds and offer us a tasty mixture of Indian music and Western rhythms.

Between traditional Indian singing and beatboxing, Parveen Sabrina and her brother Ilyas Raphaël Khan form an extraordinary duo who renew the interpretation of an ancestral repertoire of which they are the heirs.

Full price 18€
AC2A Members 15€
12/25 years old 10€
Free for children (-12 years old)

Booking is recommended on + 33 (0)3 25 84 20 20 or via the contact form.

Concert organized by the ‘Association Arts et Culture à l’abbaye d’Auberive’ (AC2A)
and supported by the ‘Région Grand Est’, the ‘Conseil départemental de la Haute-Marne’, the CCAVM and the commune of Auberive.